Posted by: laurainguia | May 6, 2009

No more doubts… ever!

Did you know that there’s a crowd of experts out there, willing to help you with your English grammar doubts?colors

Yes! From now on, you’ll have instant answers to your questions. There are several websites that can help you, but today we’ll focus on BBC Learning English, one of the most interesting and complete.

How to use the site? I’d suggest 3 ways:

1- If you have a grammar doubt, there are chances someone else has had that doubt before. Why not check their list of question categories? All the doubts are neatly classified into different categories, so that you can find yours easily. You can either read or listen to the answers. Nice, isn’t it?

2- Can’t you find your own doubt solved? No problem! At the very bottom of the same page, you have an application form under the heading “Send us a question”. All you have to do is send your own question and- hopefully- it’ll be solved in a few days.

3- Are you in a hurry and can’t wait for a few days? Then, why don’t you ask your question to the Learning English community? All you have to do is become a member here and start a new discussion in the message boards. The answer will come within minutes!

For example… What’s the difference between “as” and “like”. You can find an explanation here . Would you like to do some exercises? Then Mr. Google can help you out:


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